I have taught versions of this project since I started teaching and I think I have figured out the best combo, for my classes anyways.
Day One: We read "Tar Beach" by author/illustrator/story quilt maker Faith Ringgold. They begin their illustrations in pencil and create a 1 inch border around their 12" x 12" white drawing paper.
The kids write in their Idea Books about Narrative Art and we practice drawing ourselves flying. I use a stick person to start and then we turn that into a "thick person"....by simply drawing around the sticks to make a realistic self-portrait.
We also write a sentence in our books that will go on the quilt square....this will also be what the kids illustrate.
"If I could fly, I would fly ______________________."
to, under, over, across.....
I demo how to create the 1 inch border using a ruler...NO MEASURING required! We just lay the ruler along the edge of the paper and trace. Next they write their sentence preferably at the bottom of their paper...but nothing goes inside the border...that's the 'no draw zone' which will be covered with fabric squares.
Then they begin illustrating their sentence in pencil. That's about as far as we get on day one.
Day Two: We finish drawing in pencil and then outline in black marker. Then, they begin coloring with crayons. I have a 'no white space' requirement. They also color the border with crayons in case the fabric doesn't quite line up...that way there isn't white paper glaring at you from under the squares.
Day Three: Adding the fabric border....coming soon!
Day Three: Adding Fabric squares to border. I precut a bunch of 1 inch squares...but I definitely don't measure them! The kids can trim them down if need be.
Here is a picture of her story quilt from this story.

Artist: Faith Ringgold
Here's a neat little walk through I just found online....sorry I don't know who to give credit to.
* All images borrowed from Faith Ringgold's books and online sources