Monday, February 28, 2011

Kinder/ 1st Grade Picasso Heads!

Collage of Picasso Heads!
I did this project with 2nd grade last year and decided it was too easy for them, so we are trying it out with Kinders and 1sters. haha.

First, we studied Picasso's paintings....looked at some cubism and other artists from the movement. Then, we created a "class picasso head" on the website: (you can make heads for hours). We all took turns adding Picasso-y features.

Click here to see Mrs.Van Dyke's class's picasso heads:

Then we practiced drawing 4 crazy as we could make them! We chose our favorite sketch and enlarged it onto a sheet of 12" x 12" white drawing paper. Then we used recycled materials to stamp in the features of the face with black paint.

Finally, we painted them using tempera cakes. Those pictures coming soon!

stamping Picasso Heads!

my beautifully presented stamping trays...