
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2nd Grade Matisse-Inspired Still-Life

First, we talked about how to draw things that look 'realistic'. We did some blind contour activities with faces and still-life objects. Finally, we completed our first drawing...outlined in sharpie and then colored with crayons. (Pre-assessment)

The next day, we drew a new still-life on black paper, then outlined with glue.

Our next session, we will add realistic colors using chalk pastels....BLEND is the word of the week, fyi. :o) Hello academic vocabulary! See, we use it in art too....I'm legit.

Once the glue has dried, we began adding realistic colors using chalk pastels. I am loving these!
i made some absentee simple glue drawings for the kids who were absent that week...since i knew adding color to the wet glue drawing wasn't an option. I suppose they could have just drawn it in pencil then just started adding color, but I wanted them to have the same 'black glue line' effect.

it was a messy day in art!

i don't know what brand of chalk pastels these are since i inherited most of my art supplies from the previous teacher, but the colors are so bright!

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