
Monday, October 17, 2011

Kinder Robotic Self-Portraits

Here's a fun, yet messy lesson that I'm using to teach these little ones about proportion and full-body self-portraits. We are calling them "Robotic Self-Portraits" and I really like what they created!

First, we used black paint and recycled materials to "stamp" simple shapes to create a robot.

 I tried two different variations for adding color.  One class painted them using tempera cakes and the next time they came to art we used oil pastels to layer contrasting colors. I really like how some of these turned out.

love the attitude from Robo-Lucy

I cut the robots out and glued to some yellow construction paper for them since we are about to be on fall break.
I wanted to wrap this project up before fall break, so with my last class of the week I let them experiment with color mixing using tempera paint. We read "Mouse Paint", my favorite book ever, and then while they were painting, I played a BrainPopJr. video about mixing colors. They were so creative and came up with lots of great colors. I showed them how to make a "tint" and I heard them saying things like "Oh I just made a tint of blue!" And "How do you make purple again?" was precious.

Painting with Tempera Cakes

Alexzander was making some cool colors...

Mixing colors on their palettes...

1 comment:

  1. Love it- I did Robots too- but I'm totally stealing your gadget stamping- what a great effect. My students cut out simple shapes to make their robots.
