
Monday, February 27, 2012

Artist Visit @ DuPont Elementary!

Wayne Brezinka
Local Artist Visit
February 27, 2012

Today, one of our 4th grade classes had the awesome opportunity of seeing the artwork of local Nashville artist
 Wayne Brezinka.
He came to talk about his artwork, his process of working with mixed media collage and also about how he makes a living with his artwork. Everybody was super involved, asking questions and thinking about having careers in art. When asked, "How many of you love art?", almost every hand in the room went up. A teacher tear came to my eye.

We had such an enriching experience! What a lucky group of kids.

Visit Wayne's website to see some of his collages and publications. Great resource!
Here's some photos of his visit:

The project we are working on in collaboration with Wayne is a self-portrait mixed media collage. In a previous class I introduced the concept of collage and traced everyone's silhouette on a large piece of 9x12 paper. They are using all kinds of random papers to add details to their self-portrait. I think they're gonna look really great! 

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